Purposeful and Useful Blogs About Trade SchoolsPurposeful and Useful Blogs About Trade Schools

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Purposeful and Useful Blogs About Trade Schools

Thinking about trade school? Wondering if it's right for your learning style? Want to read about how to get accepted into trade school or what sort of programme to select? Then, please explore my blog. My name is Katie, and I attended trade school for welding a number of years ago. I loved it, and I adore the career I started I can't promise to cover every topic, but I really promise to try. I hope that you like this blog and that it answers your questions. I live with my mum and dad but am saving to put a down payment on a house soon. My new career has made it possible. Thanks for reading!


How to Make Sure Your Truck Engine is Safe This Summer

Driving a truck in Australia presents a unique challenge that drivers in many other parts of the world do not face: extreme heat. Some parts of the country can reach temperatures of over 35°C in the summer months; heat this high can cause problems with your truck engine, increasing your chances of crashes and other accidents. If you'll be driving a medium rigid truck or another other type of large vehicle this summer, make sure you follow these 4 engine safety steps when you're on the road. Read More 

Trucking industry | Top 3 factors that contribute to job placement

The trucking industry has grown considerably over the last few years, and the rules are getting tighter. This is mainly due to the fact that a huge liability is placed on the individual behind the wheel. That's why finding a job may not be that easy. You need to know the factors that affect your job placement well before you start your training. Here are the major factors that play a huge role in determining whether you're placed at a job. Read More